Mutlu Metal is manufacturer of stainless steel and bakelite handles for stainless steel, enamel and aluminium cookware. Mutlu is specialized in cookware sector over 40 years. We produce handle for stainless steel, enameled and aluminium pot, casserole, pressure cooker, frypan, milk pot, coffee and teapot and heater for many leading companies in cookware sector. 85% of our production is exported to mainly Europe, to biggest companies in Germany, USA and Middle East. Besides abroad customers, we cooperate with many professional local companies in Turkiye as well. Mutlu Metal has been integrated our well known brand with quality and leading the sector. We have ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate, ISO 14001 Enviromental Manegement System Certifiate, ISO 45001 Occupational Healthand Safety Certificate. Mutlu Metal’s factory has 9.000 square meters closed and 3.650 square meters open area in İzmir, Yazibasi.
Production Capacity
Stainless Steel Products: 750 Tons /Year
– 5.000.000 PCS /Year
Mutlu Metal


As a Mutlu Metal,
Mutlu Metal which located in Torbalı- Yazıbaşı and Mutlu Marin which located in Kısıkköy Branch defines its activity based on integrated management system’s standarts. Mutlu Metal produces side handles, subsidiary products accesories for stainless steel kitchen equipments, stainless steel marine products for yatching sector and produces mold and aparatus for the producing of this items.
- We guarantee to do our parts about protecting nature and environment by implement local and international legal and other regulations.
- We guarantee to create and improve a ecological conscious for all our employes, partners and anyone who we are interact with around our socio cultural circle.
- By determining the enviromental dimensions and interactions that may occur as a result of our activities, we guarantee to eliminate the negative effects that may arise and to take the necessary measures with the principle of preventing pollution at its source.
- We guarantee to accept continious improvement as a social duty and act to be aware of that we borrow today’s World from our children.
As a Mutlu Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
- We guarantee to prevent every kind of injuries and health hazards by taking actions for safe and healty working enviroment with first human and human’s health philosophy.
- We guarantee to carry out the actions to be taken within the framework of a plan to reduce the occupational accidents to the minimum number compared to the previous year by taking precaution for occupational safety.
- We guarantee to eliminate danger and reduce risk of health and safety during process.
- We guarantee to encourage participation to employee and employee represantatives for OHS training and decision process.
- We guarantee to keep safety and healty all of our guest, employee, customers, supplier.
- We guarantee to establish an working environment that is based on mutual health and safety, following internatıonal and natıonal regulatıons and rules, adapting continuous improvent under the system of Occupatıonal Health Safety as a Mutlu Metal and Mutlu Metal’s employes.
As a Mutlu Metal San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.
- We guarantee to fulfill continuous improvement necessity regarding by ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
- We guarantee to support creative and inovational approach with all employee to provide progress for company.
- We guarantee to perpetuate to customers satisfaction by coorporate relations with mutual trust and based on respect
- We guarantee to follow and implement technological development in the sector.
- We guarantee to provide profitability to our customers by adding value to products during production.
- We guarantee to follow customer’s wish, natıonal and ınternatıonal standarts, legal regulations and ethics value during process.
As a Mutlu Metal San. ve Tic. A.Ş. ,
- Cookware and Horeca Sector,
- Whıte Goods Sector,
- Marine Sector,
- Any other new sector which we start to do business.
- We guarantee to spread the innovation culture to all our business processes with the awareness of the transformation in the international market will be through design and innovation,
- We guarentee to developing innovative, high value-added products by creating a strong innovation ecosystem with academy and stakeholders.
- We guarantee to expanding and improving our technological capabilities in the sectors we are in.
- We guarantee to provide tnecessary resources, equipment, training and environment to develop corporate talents and competencies for design-oriented thinking of Mutlu Metal employees.
- We guarantee working through to encourage and support innovative and design work.
- We guarantee to add value and meaning with design for our customers and the market.
- We guarantee to fulfill all our national and international legal and ethical responsibilities during our design and innovation activities.
As a Mutlu Metal San. ve Tic. A.Ş,
Mutlu Metal San. ve Tic. A.ş defines its ISO 5001 Energy Management System’s activity that based on integrated management system’s referances standart.
- We guarantee continuous improvement of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System and Energy Performance by using energy effectively in all our processes,
- We guarantee the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve energy goals and objectives,
- We guarantee to take the necessary actions quickly by following all applicable legal regulations and other conditions regarding energy use, efficiency and consumption,
- We guarentee to work to create energy efficiency awareness and reduce losses and leakeges in all our employees, stakeholders, and our socio-cultural environment with which we are in contact.We guarantee to choose environmentally friendly systems and designs that will increase energy performance, reduce energy costs ın factory equipment, system and process designs.